Saturday, January 26, 2008

Summerfest 2008 Announcements Starting

We didn't have to wait until our tulips starting sprouting to plan our trip downtown to the Marcus Amphitheater. The good people at Summerfest have announced two of the Marcus headliners for this year. On Friday, June 27th, there will be an evening with Rush. This band seems to come around A LOT. They are SO not my cup of tea, but they have some hard core fans. I guess the deal with them is they like to play all NEW songs and all the fans want to hear are the old standbys. When it comes to Summerfest, I think bands are asked nicely to accommodate concert-goers requests.

If Rush isn't for you, country music's, Rascal Flatts will play Monday, June 30th with opening act Taylor Swift.

Rush tickets for Milwaukee go on sale Saturday, February 2 through Ticketmaster at 10am cst. Tickets range in price from $30-65 before service fees etc. Rascal Flatts tickets for Milwaukee go on sale through Ticketmaster February 2 at noon. Prices for Rascal Flatts tickets are $25-65 before service charges etc. I would suspect both of these shows will sell well, as the ticket prices also includes admission to the Summerfest grounds.

I will sit tight for something a little more my speed. Although, with my Milwaukee Bucks tickets going to waste, the Packers loss and Brewers opening day a couple months off, I might need to jump on this country-ish music bandwagon. Rascal Flatts. Bon Jovi. Kenny Chesney. This stuff would take A LOT of booze. Sorry.


teacher said...

I find country music as equal to running my fingers down a chalk board. I would rather pay money to see the Bucks lose than to get a tickets to sit front row. However, if the Wu-Tang Clan came that is a whole different story.

Marcus said...

Any idea where I might be able to find an old Summerfest lineup? I'm looking for the name of a band I saw back in '08 but foolishly I didn't take note of it at the time so I'd remember when I got home. They weren't a headliner so the info is a little harder to come by than I'd hoped.